Monday, November 5, 2007

hw28: an open letter to riverbend

Dear Riverbend,
After reading all of your August posts in Baghdad Burning, it makes me really think about how hard life is for Iraqi people. I never really thought about the changes that were made once the war started. As I continued to read your entries, the more I started to feel bad for you. I could not imagine going along life, not having to worry about anything then the next thing you know, your house is being invaded and you can’t even walk down the street without having to worry about someone attacking you for no reason. The thing that made me most sad while reading about what happened in August is when you said how you and your family have spent the past few nights sleeping in jeans with any type of identification in them, in fear of having that night be your last night in this world. What I have trouble wrapping my head around is why you and your family can’t get out of the country and try to get away from all these problems going on around you. I guess I can’t really sympathize with you or anyone around you, but I still understand how hard that time can be for you and your family.

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