Monday, November 12, 2007

hw31: donald rumsfeld

While reading Baghdad Burning, Riverbend constantly mentions Donald Rumsfeld. The constant resentment and anger towards Rumsfeld made me curious about him. Although I have some idea of the things he has done in the past and where he stands in our society, I thought it would be good for my knowledge to look him up and investigate a little more. I found that Rumsfeld is the 21st Secretary of Defense under President George W. Bush. While doing research, I also found out that Donald served in the US Navy from 1954 to 1957 as a naval aviator and flight instructor. Rumsfeld worked for the Nixon Administration, Ford Administration, Reagan Administration and finally the Clinton and Bush Administrations. I found it interesting that in March of 2005, a lawsuit was filed against Rumsfeld by eight detainees who said they were subject to abuse and torture by US forces. I found most of my information about Donald Rumsfeld on Wikipedia. By learning these new things about Rumsfeld, it makes the assigned reading a little easier to understand, and it makes it easier to see why Riverbend could have such anger toward him.

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