Wednesday, September 12, 2007

the death of newspapers

In the chapter I blog, therefore I am Klein and Bernstein’s Blog! there is a particular paragraph that I do not fully agree with. They are speaking about the decline in the amount of young people that read newspaper articles daily. It has been said that only 28 percent of young people read the newspaper, which is less than the 33 percent who have claimed to have read a book (Gallup poll of teenagers) (Kline, 239). I will not deny the fact that I do not read a newspaper daily, nor do most of my friends. However, there are other ways of obtaining information about what is going on in the world. Since the internet is becoming evermore popular, it makes it that much easier to go to an informational website and gain the same knowledge that a person would by reading the newspaper. I feel as though it is quite ridiculous to renounce our generation just because we do not read a newspaper on a daily basis.
